Gifts from the heart...

December 17, 2013

I think I have the dearest and the best friends ever. My birthday came and went last week. I don't make a fuss for my birthday. I am perfectly content to let it go by without a word, though it is nice when people remember. =) And this year, I was remembered....

Every year, my mom's best friend brings me something from her home that my mom made. I can't begin to tell you how much her gifts mean to me...

My dear friend Judy, embroidered a vintage bib for me. Isn't the lamb simply darling?  She also stitched the hanky. She is from the south originally, so the saying she stitched is precious, don't you think? 

Judy also spoiled me with some vintage ornaments for my pink tree. This is one of several she gave to me....

My dear friend Mary Ann blessed me with a journal to help me through this season of my life. Writing is helpful. I think there is something healing about the physical act of writing verses typing. 

I don't have a picture, but my dear friend, Casey gave me the gift of comfort food: chips and salsa from Carlos O'Kelly's....Yummy!!!

And for all of you, dear friends, who are praying for me and my family, sending me encouraging emails and simple messages of "I am thinking of you," I am very grateful....It means more to me than I can say.

Thank you, all.....


  1. Amy,
    I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  2. What beautiful gifts. Happy belated Birthday. You and your family are in my prayers.

  3. You are very blessed my friend. I'm glad you find comfort with your friends and writing your thoughts down. I have been thinking of you and your family during this Christmas season. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed new year. (((Hugs)))

  4. Very cool gifts. Your friend Michelle totally forgot. Please forgive her.

  5. Happy belated birthday. What sweet & thoughtful friends (& gifts)!

  6. Happy belated Birthday!

    I love that each year on your birthday you get a gift from your mom. What a precious friend to both your mom and to you.

  7. Dear Amy,

    happy belated birthday♥ With all those lovely gifts, it surely was a perfect day to you :-)

  8. those are amazing gifts!! you are blessed

  9. Happy Birthday and many prayers and hugs to you.

  10. Happy belated birthday Amy!! Such precious and sweet gifts! The vintage lamb is darling! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and always keeping you in my prayers! xo Heather

  11. Thanks for the email are so "techy" girlfriend!!....we are both December Snow Blossoms I see....Happy Belated Birthday!!....mine is the 27th with our Anniversary the same day..yep! married on my 20th!!...Mom was not feeling well on Christmas Day but did not want me to have that day to share...i would not have minded!! she went into hospital on the 26th and I was born at 1:11 am on the 27th...our 2nd Grandgal came to us on the 26th!....I love Birthdays!!...Hugs!! ... they were snowy ones, now they are turning to freezing rain!!


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