Wordless Wednesday

April 9, 2008

Check out more Wordless Wednesday pictures. :o)


  1. I love photos like this, poignant glimpses into life and its important milestones. Thank you for sharing it on this WW!

    I've posted my WW contribution here, and hope you'll drop by for a look:

    It isn't anywhere near as meaningful as yours, but I hope it brings you a smile all the same.

    Have a great Wordless Wednesday!

    All the best,


  2. Thank you for stopping by. It's a glimpse into my hubby's silliness. This wasn't the first time he has goosed his mom. :-D

  3. Mom and Dad with son and daughter in law. Just guessing, but that's the way I see it. Have a great WW. :)

  4. Uh-oh. I had a Wordy Wednesday. Amy, your picture is worth a thousand words.

  5. Amy it's a thoughtful picture, and obviously one that you treasure. Thank you for sharing it.

  6. Amy, what kind of garden were you in?

  7. We are in a garden that's in our city. It's a beautiful park with tons of different flower beds. I love it there. :o)

  8. What a beautiful pic of a wonderful memory!


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