Wordless Wednesday

April 30, 2008

Join the fun of Wordless Wednesday! 


  1. Cute pic! Must have been an interesting tv show he was watching with the remote in his hand lol!

  2. I thought it funny, too. Typical male, clutching the remote, "resting his eyes."

  3. This is great. Love how he has the remote clutched in his hand.

  4. I found my grown son in almost that exact position this morning. He was watching television (TIVO) when I went to bed and apparently fell asleep... I had to get him up so he could go home and get ready for his day! They never change! lol

    Happy WW! Join me if you can:

    Just Some Thoughts

  5. Marilyn@A Mixed BouquetWednesday, April 30, 2008

    Love it! This pic looks familiar. Did you post it on the Swap years ago?

  6. lol - love it - with the remote in tact and all. ;)

    Happy WW!

  7. awww....... our sleeping babies.

    oh, by the way... you've been tagged here

  8. I have many "memory" photos in my head of my ds doing the same thing! ;-Þ


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Grace and peace to all of you!

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