Wordless Wednesday

July 16, 2008

Happy 1st birthday, Precious....


  1. Precious photo. It looks like she had a very Happy Birthday!

  2. happy birthday....is today her birthday???

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  3. So cute! I love that picture!

  4. Her birthday was on the 11th. :o)

    It was Mitchell's idea to let her play in all the wrapping paper on the floor. It was a great photo op, I think.

    I am so incredibly grateful that her parents allow all of the birth family members be in her life. My cup overflows with joy....

  5. Happy Birthday, sweet girl! You don't have a clue how loved you are at this time, but you'll figure it out. All of you are so special!!

  6. She looks so adorable in the midst of all that colorful tissue paper. Yes, Amy, in a word, she is "precious"!

  7. Your daughter looks adorable!

    And I love the new favicon! ;)


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