Wordless Wednesday

July 2, 2008

A group of 50 Texas Baptist Men (and a few women) response unit, was dispatched by the Southern Baptist Convention North American Mission Board to come help our flood ravaged city. They over estimated how many people would need to be fed, so these men helped Elizabeth's neighbors get their stuff out of their houses to be hauled away. They are taking a much needed break. 

Join the fun of Wordless Wednesday


  1. Wow -- what a great shot, and a great show of human generosity :-)

  2. I love "real" shots like that!

  3. When you have volunteers like that, having too much free food to offer them is NOT a bad thing - great shot!! :)

  4. Great Shot of a giving spirit!

    Hey, delete #3, because I failed to edit my name line. :P

  5. What a good picture of the Lord's servants!

    Happy WW! (a day late)


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