Word Filled Wednesday ~ A sheep returns

August 27, 2008

For you were like sheep 
going astray,
but now have returned
to the Shepherd and Overseer
of your souls.
1 Peter 2:25
Come join the blessing of Word Filled Wednesday, where it's ALL ABOUT HIM

Edit: The sweet picture of the lamb was taken by a sweet homeschooling young lady that graciously allowed me to share it on my blog. Isn't he a sweetheart?


  1. and praise God for this..... I am so thankfully for Him being my Shepherd.

  2. So sweet and such a great reminder of God's tender love for us...

  3. Oh this is a great picture for the verse!

  4. what a cute little lamb and a great verse!!!

  5. Precious sister Amy,

    I just LOVE this picture. Yes, the sheep is awfully cute...and just as dumb and prone to wander like me! HA!

    I LOVE, LOVE the Scripture you chose for today! So perfect! But isn't God's word always?! :-)

    Much love in Christ,

  6. This is a beautiful picture and verse! I love sheep, and your blog is beautiful. Happy WFW!

  7. It looks like a happy sheep. That is what we are if we are redeemed. I just loved this today. Blessings to you!

  8. That made me smile. :-) What a sweet Word-Filled Wednesday. I really like this.

  9. He is a sweetheart... great verse to go along with it.

    Happy WFW!

  10. FYI: my Jonah picture is the Pinocchio ride at Disneyland in Anaheim California :0)

  11. Lovely post and illustration.
    I came over late tonight. Amy had left a post over at her blog I wanted to let you know she was asking for prayer please go back over and offer her some encouragement.

  12. Beautiful picture of God's love for us. Thank you for sharing. God bless.

  13. Love the picture...and the verse. That we are HIS sheep. We are HIS and He watches over us that with so much love that He wants none of us to fall away. He affectionately protects and watches over our souls. Thank you so much for this post.

    In Christ-Stacy

  14. LOL okay I loved this one Amy! It's so sweet!

  15. Love that one. I was going to ask and Aussie fellow blogger if I could use her motherless lamb for a photo, but it got sick and died.
    The perils of farming and hand rearing.


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