Word Filled Wednesday

August 20, 2008

For You created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother's womb.
Psalms 139:13

Come join Word Filled Wednesday, where it's all about HIM


  1. This is so very precious, bless you.

  2. I agree w/ the others...that is so precious. What a great blog name and header too. Blessings to you!

  3. Amy,

    Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! Both the Scripture and your lovely babe!

    Absolutely beautiful!

    Praise God, we are His redeemed sheep!

    I LOVE you're theme!

  4. BTW, this is my first time here and I'm bookmarking your page so I can come back to visit! :-)

    Much love in Christ,

  5. Great picture... what a cutie! Great verse, too. One that I've always loved.

    Happy WFW!

  6. Thanks for stopping by. I'm about ready to go visit your blogs, too.

    For those who are new here, this sweet babe is my first grandchild. She was placed for adoption by my son and his girlfriend, however, we are very richly blessed to still be able to be a part of her life. God is good, all the time, even if I never got to see her again...Amen?

  7. Great verse and photo illustration!

  8. This is one of my very favorite verses.

  9. Now is that is just too darn sweet I don't know what is..... just precious!

  10. She is just precious! Love the verse with it!

  11. Blessings Amy...how precious to place this verse around such a precious gift from God! Thank you for sharing and enjoy a wonderful week!

  12. awww i love your blog! and your post today is so cute! thanks for joining us for WFW! :)

    (ps you've got an awesome name! )

  13. She is so precious!

    Thanks for coming by and for your kind comment.


I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to leave a comment!
I will respond to your comment/questions in an email unless you have your email hidden. In that case, I will reply to your comment on my blog. Also, I apologize for having to block anonymous users - too much spam was coming through.

Grace and peace to all of you!

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