Organizing ie: avoidance...

April 16, 2012

Avoidance: I am avoiding quilting this quilt. It's a wedding gift for a young couple in my church. She is obsessed with lime green. It was her wedding colors. =) I don't know what I want to do yet. 

Organizing: That is why I am busying myself with moving scraps from baggies, into plastic containers....



  1. fabulous quilt Amy...she will love it any way you decide to quilt it!! I am a lime green person too...and the black really sets it off..have not seen this fabric line.

  2. this quilt is great...what are those colorful things you have basted with, they are not pins are they?

  3. Such a colorful quilt!! So fun!! Can't wait to see it finished!! :) xo Heather

  4. Love it! But what kind of pins are those little things all over it? I've never seen those before.

    Delinda Lea

  5. LOVE IT! Just do something fun and rambling on it. It is young and fun after all.


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