Wordless Wednesday

July 30, 2008

Penelopy looks very guilty for chewing up her mama's shoe, doesn't she?? 


  1. great dog! this is a cool catch for WW! mine's up too hope you can drop by.. Happy ww!

  2. Actually.. I'm of the mind that dogs don't feel guilt. They only know safe and dangerous. This dog might be afraid something dangerous is going to happen.

    Hopefully not, all dogs know slippers are fair game if left out, and great for chewing!

  3. I agree...Dogs do not feel guilt, as they were not created with a conscience like humans. I was speaking with my tongue firmly in my cheek. :o)

  4. oh yah, but look at those innocent eyes...hehehe! mine's up too at this link!

  5. That's a priceless expression. She does look guilty.

  6. Awww . . . I think she IS sorry! ;-)

  7. Aw, who could get mad at a face like that? ;-)

  8. What a great picture! She looks TOTALLY busted! LOL


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