Happy Birthday, my daughter...

March 3, 2009

Twenty three years ago today, I became a mom for the very first time when God blessed me with my only daughter Haley.

Happy birthday, Sweetheart!! I love you!


  1. Awwwwww, that is the Sweetest picture! Beautiful baby AND beautiful momma!

    Happy Birthday to Amy's Haley, :)

  2. Well lookie at you two cuties!!


  3. Oh, I love the photo! Happy birthday, Haley!! I bet it's unbelievable that she's 23, huh? I can't believe I have an 11 year old. Time really does fly.

  4. That is a precious picture, Amy. Happy birthday (belated) to Haley!

    But...who IS that brunette sitting on the couch??? ;-Þ


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