My day in pictures...

March 9, 2009

Where's Brooklyn?

Where is she hiding?

"Are you looking for me?"

"Here I am! You found me!"

"You can't catch me!"

"Grandma, I'm stuck!"

Reading with Grandma.

"Scotty, do you want me to throw the ball again??"

"Grandma, why are you following me?"

My sweet granddaughter.


  1. Such a cutie!! I like her little ponytail off to the side. :-) And I notice she is carrying around the quilt you made. What precious memories you are making together!!!!

  2. Oh, what a sweetheart!
    I love the picture story.

  3. hey is this a CSQ - I love it...and she is adorable....

  4. Yes, it is! It's the one that caused me all kinds of trouble and I needed Margaurita's help to get it right. Well, better than it was. I'll get better with practice. That's the theory at least. :o)

  5. Oh, for goodness sake, she's getting so big!

    She is so gorgeous; looks like y'all had a wonderful visit, :)

  6. How fun! What a cutie pie!!

  7. Looks like a REALLY fun day. I can't wait until I get to be a grandma!

  8. What a cupcake! Aren't granddaughters the very best!! :) ~Marguerita

  9. Where'd Baby Brooklyn go? That's a little girl, a very pretty little girl! :-)


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