God's sanctifying grace

April 20, 2009


Sweet baby...

Would you have adopted this sweet baby knowing he was going to die in a few short months? This family did.

God's way are not our ways. He only does that which is good, though on this side of heaven it may not seem like it. I don't know if in time, all our pain and suffering will make sense. I don't know if we will understand the sanctifying work He has done and is doing in our lives. But I do know this...He sent His Son to redeem us. Christ came, suffered the wrath that we deserved, died and rose again...He conquered death. Death has lost it's sting. One day, those who called upon His Name in faith, will be with Him and have new glorified bodies just like Jesus. I long for that day when I am rid of this flesh...

I love what Matthew's mom had to say in her March 6th post.

So, I am thankful for Matt because he has further exposed the blackness in my heart and my need for the the forgiveness found in Jesus. I am sick because I seek physical healing, signs and wonders, rather than the One to whom the signs point. Jesus is our hope. Spiritual healing is our calling and our destiny in Christ. Someday I will watch Matt run and play and laugh. Until we finally make it home, we rest in His finished work and long for its realization in heaven.

May we all be thankful for the trials that God brings our way in order to sanctify us and make us more like Jesus Christ....

Let's pray for this family as they mourn the loss of their sweet son....

A very special thank you to Pastor Josh, for sharing this story with me today.


  1. Oh what a beautiful, yet sad post. I will be saying a prayer for this family. What a beautiful gift they gave that little boy for such a short time.

  2. What a touching post. Bless the adoptive family for the love they gave him during his short life on earth. They are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Wow, what a family. What a beautiful little soul. I read some of their blog. I am awed at their strength. They will definitely be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  4. What a loving family for this sweet baby to have for his short time here on earth. Praying for them as they mourn the loss of this precious child...

  5. I am praying for this family - what an example they are to all of us. Thank you for sharing their story with us!


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