Things In My (Momma's) House Thursday

April 30, 2009

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Today we are going to explore my Momma's massive "L" shaped front porch.

This corner is where her family and friends did a lot of sitting and talking during the long hours of her last days on earth. The porch swing was a favorite place to rest.

I love the old church pew.

Come join MommySweetMom for Things In My House Thursday and share the things in your house!!


  1. Amy, I love your momma's house! Her porch is better than the insides of some homes! Thanks for sharing.


  2. Your mom's things are such a treat to me - you must miss her! I agree that the church pew is awesome :)

  3. Amy, are these photos you took when your mom was still living or do you still go back to visit her home? I've been meaning to ask you this everytime you post your TIMHT.
    I love her porch and just want to sit a spell and enjoy a glass of iced tea.

  4. I took the pictures last December. It was my first time back to her house since she died. I just began taking pictures, left and right, with no thought nor rhyme or reason. When I go back, I am going to be more selective on what pictures I take and take more of them.

    She would be horrified that her house is so dirty, but it's too big and too overwhelming for my step-dad to take care of it. I think he is going to hire someone to help him.

    I'm glad you all enjoyed seeing her house. I know I have enjoyed sharing the pictures with all of you. :o)

  5. Oh, Amy, you are seriously making me covet what I don't have...

    That is my dream, fantasy porch. I can imagine so many hours spent there, secrets shared, laughter, memories made.... ahhhhh. I'm happy for your mother that she had this.

    Thanks so much for sharing!!

  6. I so want a house with a big front porch. What a great porch your Mom had - so homey and cozy! Thanks for the tour every Thursday!

  7. Amy, that is the porch of my dreams. What a wonderful place to have to congregate at such a sad time.

  8. I love porches!! What a nice place to hang out!!

  9. Oh wow... these pictures were like therapy.. I'm from the midwest (Kansas City) and have been living in Canada for 11 years... I miss it!!! these pictures reminded me of my home growing up... just something somehow similar... thre are no porches like that around here. Miss porch life. :) Thanks for posting them. :)

    I found you because Sue started 'following' me (dunno how she found me) and I saw your blog in her list, and there ya go.
    Have a great day, Amy! Be blessed , Sister!

  10. Thanks for stopping by, Jennifer! :-D

    I know KC very well!


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