Things In My (Momma's) House Thursday

April 23, 2009

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The Bridal Suite...This room had it's own private bathroom. This was the room I stayed in the last few days of my Momma's life. Originally, since I live fairly close to Mom's house, it was assumed that I would go home every night and come back the next morning. Not wanting to cause an issue and invite myself to stay, I bought an air mattress for the back of my van and I was going to sleep there at night. I didn't want to leave her during those last days. When Mom found that out, she told me I was to forget that idea and sleep in the Bridal Suite room.

Come join MommySweetMom for Things In My House Thursday and share the things in your house!!


  1. What a sweet room! Hey, I have those shams (they match my bedspread :) I just love the things you show from your mom's.

  2. How loving that your momma wanted you in the bridal suite...maybe it was to remind you that she would be going to a special "bridal suite" in Heaven?!!

    thanks for sharing this.


  3. I love that room! Your mom was a very special lady! Nancy

  4. Now that is a frilly room! How fun for any grooms, LOL.

    My absolute favorite thing is the Edison Electric sign; that's awesome.
    But I'd take that bedspread in a heartbeat, as well.

    Thanks for being a part of TIMHT!

  5. Everything about your mom's house looks homey and inviting, Amy. It reflects the warm personality of the one who created it.

  6. I am really enjoying you showing us these lovely rooms and items from your mom. I'll bet her guests left with smiles after laying their heads on such a beautiful bed!

  7. What a beautiful room - so much character!


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