Childhood Memories Friday

May 1, 2009

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Do you remember traveling all over your neighborhood carrying a big box stuffed full of May baskets to leave in secret at the doorstops of your friends? May Day is one of my favorite childhood memories. It reminds me of sweet and gentler time. Growing up, my baskets were usually styrofoam, plastic or paper cups with colorful pipe cleaners attached on them as handles. I didn't only deliver the baskets in my neighborhood, but all over the small town where I grew up. Inside of the May baskets are delicious goodies, usually left over Easter candy, popped pop corn and a few violets or dandelions to make the "basket" look pretty. And, *gasp* all the candy was unwrapped!

Do your children celebrate May Day?


  1. I remember delivering flowers (dandelions are flowers right?) to my favorite relatives on May Day!

    I love your new blog buttons :-)

  2. May day sounds like fun. I've never done it before.

  3. That's really neat. I don't remember ever doing ANYTHING special for May Day, but what a lovely tradition! Maybe I can get something together for my girls this afternoon?? Thanks for sharing a childhood memory!

  4. What a wonderful idea...why can't we do things like that now?



  5. I loved May Day as a child. I loved gathering the pretty wildflowers that would always be blooming that time of year, and creating little bouquets to deposit on neighbor's doors.

    Sadly, we didn't do that with my kids, as all our neighbors seemed to be working when they were small. My, how times have changed.

  6. What a beautiful memory and such a wonderful way to celebrate the first day of May. We didn't do anything like this but I believe it's a lovely tradition.
    I found your blog while reading Marcy's and you seem to be as warm, and caring as she is. So glad Marcy has such wonderful friends....:-) Bernie

  7. I never knew May Day was celebrated in this fashion. I feel as if I missed out!!


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