Nevin's graduation

May 23, 2009

Nevin...My very special teacher and friend.

Nevin, Reagan and Mitchell hanging out before the ceremony.

Waiting for his turn to walk the aisle with his teacher and principal (aka mom and dad).

The graduate! He's only a little excited. *wink*


  1. Awww what a great party that must have been! WAY TO GO NEVIN!!!!

  2. Seriously... that is just so sweet! What a great kid he seems :-D YAY Nevin!!!

  3. The loving look in his eyes and all these wonderful 'little ones' of God, never ceases to amaze me. Their biggest lesson for us is to teach us to love!
    Congratulations to Nevin!



  4. I can't wait to see and hear Nevin's thoughts about this special day! Such a cool dude!

  5. Go Nevin and congratulations to ALL of you for living with gusto! (Kids have a way of forcing that kind of fun on us don't they?!)


  6. Only a little? LOL That big smile tells the story!!


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