Happy Blogoversary to me and to Judy! & Stuff

May 8, 2009

If Judy of Artsy Clay hadn't mentioned to me that it was our blogoversary, it would have gone right on by without me noticing it! Of course, I had all kinds of good intentions on having a give-away or something cool like that, but as you can see, I don't. *sigh* Someday, I am going to have a give-away.

Judy of Artsy Clay also mentioned that her friend Beki of Pampering Beki has a meme called Fingerprint Friday. Now, I like memes (even when I fail to get my post up...Sorry, Jen-Jen and Susan) and I like the idea of looking to see where I can find the fingerprint of God in my daily life. Make sure you go check it out Becki's blog, Pampering Beki and Judy's blog, Arsty Clay. Judy is very talented with her clay creations. I even saw a sheep while I was visiting!

Today I will be busy helping Jenny of Count it all Joy with her garden. I forgot my camera last night during the ripping out of the bushes excitement, but I "forced" her to go get her camera to take pictures. I told her I didn't want to be in any of them and hid behind her. She tried to trick me by pointing the camera backwards at me. Are pastors' wives supposed to be sneaky like that? *wink* I'm not forgetting my camera today!

I'll catch up with all of you soon! I am way behind on my blog reading and commenting.

Have a blessed day, everyone!


  1. Congratulations, Amy! Aren't you supposed to do a fact about yourself for each day you've been blogging?

    Did I already tell you how great that video is that you have on pro life?

    blessings on your special day,


  2. Happy Blogoversary!

    You could always give away a quilt! Hint Hint

  3. Sounds like you had fun!! Happy Blogoversary!!

    (side note: shouldn't blogger have blogoversary in their dictionary and not come up as a misspelled word?! LOL!!)

  4. Happy Blogoversary! Now what have you done to celebrate today? I'd say it should include chocolate!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Teena in TorontoSaturday, May 09, 2009

    Happy blogoversary!

  6. Happy Blogoversary, dear Amy!


I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to leave a comment!
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Grace and peace to all of you!

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