May 11, 2009

A dear sister in Christ from my church sent this to me the other day. I hope it blesses you as much as it blesses me. :o)

I found this quote from the end of How People Change (by Tim Lane and Paul Tripp) striking, something I need to remind myself of over and over and over.

Each morning that greets me is full of hope
Not because I am successful at what I am doing,
Or because the people near me appreciate me,
Or because circumstances are easy,
but because God is, and he is my Father.
To look at the morning any other way
Is to believe a lie.
To live in hope is to live in truth;
To live in truth is to bring him glory;
To bring God glory in my daily living
Is the highest form of worship.

Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.


  1. Great quote! We went through that book with our small group a few years ago. It was excellent.

    How are you feeling today? I've been praying for you.

    BTW, I do hope you can visit me here in VA; I know we would have a lot of fun together :-)

  2. Beautiful Passage!!

    It's so true, humbling, and sincere. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!!

  3. Thanks for sharing this. It is so easy to forget what's important.

  4. Thank you for this post. God is so gracious.

  5. I put this on my blog too!! :)


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