
May 7, 2009

The next few days will be telling on how the acupuncture is working to keep my migraines away. I did have a slight one last week. It's progress that it didn't go full blown and the recovery time was quicker. The slight one I had yesterday is gone. I hope it stays gone! Like I said, the next few days will be telling....

Tonight, I am going to Jenny's, (Count it all Joy) house and we are going to work on her front yard flower garden. First things first, ripping out the evergreen bushes. Rusty is going to use the truck to pull them out. I'll take lots of pictures. :o)

School is almost done. Reagan only has a few assignments left in math. He should be done at the end of this week or early next week. Mitchell is done for the year. Yeah! Though it can be exhausting and time consuming to homeschool the boys, I am so glad I do. I feel like I lost out on so much of Haley and Holden's life because they were gone so much.

Gotta run and get my day started...I'll be back later with my Things In My House Thursday post. :o)


  1. Hey,
    I'm glad the migraine is gone! You'll be getting a workout tonite; you should sleep real well tonite!


  2. Good news about yesterday's headache! Woohoo! Let's hope the acupuncture is working!

  3. You have a wonderful blog! We share this Blogversary so just wanted to say Happy Day.
    Check out http://pamperingbeki.blogspot.com
    She hosts Fingerprint Friday and we share where we find God's fingerprints. You are welcome to join us.


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