Trying something new

March 3, 2010

I downloaded a new application called MacJournal. The theory is, I will be able to type in MacJournal and have it sent straight to my blog. Pretty cool, if I can figure it out. :o) My brain is a bit mushy after today due to pain medication that I ended up needing this afternoon. Apparently, migraines and crown preps can equal some serious ouchiness..


Edit: BTW, I purchased MacJournal as part of a bundle at MacHeist. 7 Mac programs for $20! Hurry the offer expires in a week. Hat tip to Tim Challies.


  1. Is that a morning glory? So beautiful!!

    How did you get your blog to have three columns? I would love to have that one mine. It looks so classy. :-)

  2. Hi, Amy~

    I am have Skippy head on over there now to check it out. Thanks for sharing, sweet friend! :> )


  3. Hi, it's me again! I was wondering where you got your The FAM Club button? I just signed up and would LOVE to put the button on my blog!

    Thanks for your help! :> )



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Grace and peace to all of you!

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