World Down Syndrome Day

March 21, 2010

Every year, on March 21 (to honor the 3rd copy of the 21st chromosome presented in Down syndrome), the world comes together to raise awareness and advocate for people living with Down syndrome.

The next time you see a person or child with DS, stop… take notice. That life is nothing short of a miracle. The termination rate for pregnancies with DS diagnosis is now up to 94%. That is staggering. So, not only are you seeing the blessing of a person with DS, [made closer to the image of God than the rest of us], you are seeing the miracle of a life that many are trying to completely eliminate… I believe, hand on heart, that the two points are most definitely related…(via the Poppies' Blog)
I was not blessed by God to be given a child with Down Syndrome, but I have been blessed to love someone with Down Syndrome.

Thank you, Nevin, for being my buddy, for teaching me how to love fully by your example and how to live life with gusto. I love you...Today and forever...

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