My sewing room OR I've taken over the living room

March 9, 2010

I thought I would share a peek into my sewing room/ living room. I love looking at sewing rooms on other blogs and one day, I hope to have a real room that is mine, all mine. 

I like to look at my projects to see how they speak to me. The Confetti quilt top may or may not be done, thus it's sitting out for me to look at and to "talk" to me. No, I don't actually hear voices. The sheets piled on top I picked up at Goodwill last night. To the left is the Disappearing Nine Patch I began way back when and I haven't finished it. I'm thinking about using the red gingham checked sheet on top for the backing. 

I love the quilting table that Rusty helped me make a year ago. Last, but not least is my sewing machine, a Viking Platinum 770. I purchased it second hand from a gal who upgraded to a Viking Diamond

On my pressing board is the pattern for a purse I am going to make for Haley. I need to take her shopping with me (via text pixs) to pick out the fabric.

Here is my office area. 

I love my vintage Kleenex box. 

Most of my fabric stash. The bottom tub is full of sheets, some vintage, some not. I don't have a lot of fabric stash, which is good. I have very little place to store it, though, I'm sure I could find places around the house if I really needed to. There is always room for fabric, right? I leave my vacuum out all the time because I like to toss stuff on the floor while I sew, so I vacuum a lot...

Some more fabric and supplies. 

My goal this spring/summer, is to repaint the room a warmer color. The green isn't cutting it for me. I also want Russ to make shelves to put up above my windows for me to put my Pyrex finds and other fun stuff I've found to display. 

Thanks for stopping by. I would love to see more sewing/quilting/crafting rooms so leave me a link to show me your room!


  1. Oooo...Amy, it is DELIGHTFUL to see your homey sweet sewing area. VERY pretty.~
    I've been collecting sheets too. F-U-N!
    Thank you for the peek.


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