More Modern Building Blocks

January 28, 2015

These are the 6" blocks that will be in my Modern Building Blocks quilt. The hearts are a free tutorial by Cluck Cluck Sew. She rewrote the pattern to remove some extra seams in the heart, but I made mine before that rewrite happened. She also did the quilty math for us and shared how to make them in other sizes. I love it when people who are not quilty math challenged, take the time do the math for those of us who are seriously lacking in that area. =) 

Heart tutorial can be found here:

Tell me I am not the only one who lacks quilty math skills!  


  1. Hey if someone does it for you thank them. I look at it this way that if it saves e time then they need the credit. Chris

  2. I hate math, thanks for the link

  3. I love the bright colours in your blocks. Thanks for the link.

  4. I loved the way your blocks were looking so I had to buy the pattern. Um yeah, could run a multimillion dollar system and calculate to the last penny where people got rewards. I have to really rack my poor little brain to do quilt math.

  5. Totally NOT gifted in any kind of Math....but my Hub?....totally there!!
    Love the Blocks!! can we meet half way between Iowa and S.C. and quilt soon?.....wish.....wink!!


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