Wordless Wednesday

May 14, 2008

What better place is there to learn to roll a kayak than in a backyard pool. When it's my time to learn, I'm making sure no cameras are around! *wink*

Join the fun of Wordless Wednesday! 


  1. lol. the proportions of this shot make it so funny! very original!

  2. hey a guys gotta practice somewhere

  3. Now THIS is literally how the online term L O L got started! Gotta love this.

    Do stop by my W W share, won't you?

  4. I must say it is very creative! :D

    Happy WW!

  5. HA! I love catching my husband doing funny things when I have the camera out - makes for good blackmail later (j/k) :)
    Happy WW!

  6. Marilyn@A Mixed BouquetWednesday, May 14, 2008

    How funny! LOL! After this post, I'm sure that a camera will be somewhere.

  7. love it! safer way to take a roll, no rapids!

  8. Doesn't look possible but it must be...good luck when it's your turn. I've always wanted to learn but am a little fearful.

  9. If the pool is too shallow for diving... kayak.

  10. That is hilarious!!! What is he going to upgrade too next!

  11. Boy...if I looked out my back window and saw something like that in my pool, I don't know if I'd call animal control first or just get my shotgun.


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