We have a winner...

July 19, 2012

Actually, we have TWO winners.  =D

Here is why...

My post shows that I have 39 comments so that is what I used in the number generator. When I went to count to see who the winner was, I realized one comment had been deleted which meant I only had 38 comments. 

Is anyone else's life this complicated???

So I decided to have TWO WINNERS.

And they each get an extra fat quarter to boot. 

Oh, I guess I should say who the winners are...

Thanks for playing along with my giveaway, everyone. =) 


  1. You are just too sweet! Yay to two winners!

  2. ahhh how nice was that...love the pink dots ...lovely sweet Amy

  3. Congrats to your winners!!!

  4. Lucky girls: beautiful fabric! Love from a very cold and rainy Cape Town

  5. I know they'll love this fabric!

  6. Hi Amy! I'm just finding out about the quilt along being cancelled. That's okay. I wasn't going to be able to start until next week anyway ....we've been away from the 10th - 19th on vacation in TX....so that means that I not only missed your announcement but also the giveaway!! Ackk! I'm just catching up on your blog today. I took my computer with me, but we were so late getting back to the hotel each evening that I didn't catch up on anything on fast speed while I had the chance! Oh well. Hopefully your next project can be fun!


I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to leave a comment!
I will respond to your comment/questions in an email unless you have your email hidden. In that case, I will reply to your comment on my blog. Also, I apologize for having to block anonymous users - too much spam was coming through.

Grace and peace to all of you!

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