A new sheep and some Granny's

July 16, 2012

A new sheep. I love her sweet face. 

The start of my Granny's. 

 We are having another heat wave here in Iowa. I am not complaining. I love summer and the heat. =)

I must finish Brooklyn's dress this week and seriously get a quilt binding on a quilt that has been staring at me for weeks. I keep finding excuses to avoid it. 

What are on your plans for the week? 


  1. ooh I love your granny squares! Aren't they just so fun to make!! Are you using charm squares?

  2. Very nice grannies!!! Glad these are working for you!

    This week I'm going to finish a granddaughter quilt. It's all basted together and waiting for me to start stippling!!

  3. i love the grannies....other than just surviving the week i think i am going to try to get my moms quilt top finished and finish up a baby quilt. love your little lambkin

  4. So much to do in the summer, isn't there! I love the heat too, but not when it reaches the 90s.
    So you're a sheep lover too? I have a little sheep from Yorkshire and of course my hundreds of photos of Yorkshire and Scottish Blackface sheep. lol

    Enjoy your grannies.

  5. Ok, I'm a little jealous myself! That sweet little face is just, well, sweet!

    Great looking grannies!

  6. LOVE your little lamb!!! I should share some of my different ones with you sometime...
    I'm actually going to be spending the day tomorrow with a quilt-blogger friend - we only live about 30 miles apart, and met each other about 6 weeks ago. I'm heading off to her house (hope she has A/C!), cause it's supposed to hit 95°, but it will feel like 113°! I have a really great project to work on too - and 2 Vintage Modern layer cakes to work with - can't wait!

  7. What a sweet lambikins, I was happy to see it's face on the blog today! I do hope you get the dress done, you must need to feel the crunch to get going on it. I needed to sew a gown and a swimsuit, and decided instead to clean some area in the house that had been in the same condition for 2-3 weeks. Made my Larry laugh at me...he knows me so well ~

  8. You lamb is so precious!! Love your grannies!! xo Heather

  9. Aw, what a sweet little lamb! Your granny squares are looking wonderful. We're having another heat wave too, I love summer but this is getting old...I can't get out to enjoy it!


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