Isn't it nice....

July 25, 2012

...when a project goes together smoothly? Mine is going to gather very feel so far. *whew* I was stressing there for a while. That first cut is so scary! 

I couldn't resist a peek at how the hexagons will look when they are all put together. 

It's steamy hot in Iowa today with expected highs to be 105°. I'm staying in and sewing today. The teenager can go to the post office to mail out the giveaway prizes. He likes driving anyway. ;-) 


  1. Ohhhhh...I do love it when a plan comes together!

  2. Bleugh, that's hot!! But those hexies look awesome!!

  3. Your blocks are looking good!! This California girl is in a little "heat" shock visiting the new baby in Hotlanta!! 88 degrees at 5am? Humidity like I've never known. I don't envy you temperatures over 100! Thanks goodness for teenagers who love to drive!!


  4. Your blocks look gorgeous! I need to get busy! Perfect indoor sewing weather!

  5. Love your hexagons!! They look so pretty!! Happy sewing! xo Heather

  6. Oh my...those colors...this will be such a wonderful quilt when you get it done..glad it is going smoothly....I love those days.

  7. Nice! Those blocks are going to look really pretty!

  8. Amy, I love these!! I'm with you~ I'd have to see what they'd look like, too!

    Am excited for you as you work on it-it will be one LOVELY quilt!

  9. Very pretty! I like your fabric choices.

  10. Amy I love how your blocks are coming out. It is going to turn out beautiful.

  11. very pretty. and yes teens LOVE driving. I used to ask my Grandma who didnt drive if she needed errands done. too funny- I would get so excited if she said go get me a box of crackers at the store. yes m"am LOL

  12. Lovely! Using the same template and piecing methods, TURN/ROTATE the pieces so the small triangles are on the outside of your shape and you create a spinning design. Jaybird Quilts calls hers Ballerina, for example.


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