A different Dresden

July 1, 2012

Melissa @ Happy Quilting  made this darling variation of a Dresden plate that she calls Double Dresden Delight. And it is truly a delight...

Here is the beginnings of my version of Melissa's block. 

I don't ever really have a plan when I start these types of projects, just an idea of what fabric I want to use. In this case, the Dresdens are made with Nicey Jane by Heather Bailey.At this point I am in the playing with fabric phase from my stash. An idea is beginning to take shape in my mind. =) 

Have a wonderful Sunday!  


  1. WOW! I love both versions of this - how did you get the Dresden wedges pointy at both ends? I love your choice of fabrics, so colorful. I'll be looking forward to seeing how this develops - have fun!

  2. Oh how pretty Amy. :0) I cant wait to see it as it comes along. :0)

  3. Oh how pretty Amy. :0) I cant wait to see it as it comes along. :0)

  4. Wow! I love those cool colors. Nice to work on during this burst of heat!


  5. and your ideas always come out amazing.....i made a small quilt for Delilah with Nicey Jane....so pretty

  6. That is a lovely quilt. A little more interesting that just straight up Dresden blocks. Also, allows for a large quilt because of large Dresden's. What is your background? I have some Nicey Jane I haven't used yet so if you need some to tide you over, let me know.

  7. So beautiful, and awesome quilting!! xo Heather

  8. That's a really unique Dresden!!! It took me a minute to catch that the center of the block is just as fun as the outside - I have an idea how it's done, but would love to know if I'm right!

    1. Check out Susan K Cleveland .
      That is where I first saw this done and have made a quilt using this method.

  9. I love this! you dont have to do the applique circle! one of these days im doing this :)

  10. Your quilts and the fabrics you choose are stunning! So happyfying. Had so much fun dropping by today and catching up :-)

  11. Wow! That is going to be beautiful. :)


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