{Epic} Fail...

July 11, 2012

I'm in way over my head....Can I quit and cancel this whole quilt along idea? 


  1. take a deep breath and have it later on

  2. I looked it up and it looks like you are on the right track. It looks like a tricky block. I have never made anything that looks like that! I agree with Leslie maybe wait a little and give it another try.

  3. Maybe you started on a not so easy block.... try another! Love

  4. You can do all things through your shepherd who strengthens you. Take a break and walk away a while. Even put this block aside a while and come back to it later.

  5. You can do all things through your shepherd who strengthens you. Take a break and walk away a while. Even put this block aside a while and come back to it later.

  6. Sometimes all you need is a break from it. It'll come to you.
    I like the prints you've chosen. Is it Vintage Modern?

  7. It is a tricky block and I had a difficult time with it also. Are you paper piecing? I paper piece mine and I ended up with a "y" seam.

  8. Your not failing sweet friend. But it doesn't sound like you are having fun. Put it away for a time when you just "feel like it"'.

  9. ooo don't panick, take a break sew something else and when you'll be in the mood you'll be able to make it!
    don't worry, mine was ,5cm too short for the 5th blocs


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