ER last night

July 6, 2012

Nothing serious. Just a migraine that needed help to go away. They gave me an IV cocktail. I was too out of it to know what was in it. Russ knows. I still have a mild one today, so that would be why I am not visiting your blogs or responding to comments. 

Time to go rest again.



  1. OK, nice, slow and nothing for a few days. TAKE CARE ! ! But, you can sew just a little, maybe ! !

  2. Oh Amy, that sounds serious to me! I'm living with this d*** migraine all my life, but so far i haven't got to go to the hospital!!

    So, take care and rest as long as you can. Send you some biiiiiig hugs :-)

  3. Sure wish you, or they could figure out what causes those headaches. Take care of you.

  4. Rest well, Amy! So sorry!

    I know that there is something in the way of supplements you can take...I'll get back to you about that. Might help to have some handy. I struggle with them occasionally, as well.

    Nothing fun about a migraine. Pull down the blinds, make everyone be quiet, and go to bed! Hope you feel better, soon!!

  5. Oh dear! Take care of you and see you when you're better!

  6. Hope you feel better soon, Amy!

  7. Melhoras a você,e peça colo ao marido.Faz um bem danado...beijos.

  8. Hope you get a good rest and feel better soon!

  9. Hi Amy! Shame, it must have been very bad - hope you feel better quickly! Love from a cold and rainy Cape Town xxx

  10. Oh Amy, Sorry you're not feeling your best. Take care and get the rest you need and all will be better soon. I'm praying.

  11. oh my goodness...i am sad for you. that must be awful. i hope you are feeling better today. get lots of rest and drink lots of water!

  12. Amy, I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for your speedy recovery! (((Hugs))) to you!

  13. Amy, sorry to hear that it was so bad you had to go to the ER. I have a country doctor that told me the heat is causing those of us who suffer from migraines to have them more often and worse than normal. Get yourself in a nice dark, quiet room and get some sleep. Hope you feel better soon.

  14. Oh no. I sure hope you are feeling better soon.

  15. Hope you feel better soon. Migraines are no fun...

  16. Whispering...hope your pain is gone soon and that you feel like yourself quickly. Know that all your friends are thinking about and praying for you!

  17. I was going to say that some people go to great lengths to get a photo for their blog.... ;-) but truly, I am so sorry to hear you had such a horrid migraine! I hope it subsides soon and that you can identify the source.

  18. I'm so sorry! I know they're horrible. Feel better soon!!!

  19. Amy, I'm so sorry! I hope you are feeling much better now. Are you aware that Botox has been FDA approved for headaches now? (Rehab dr. gave it to me several weeks ago. I'm not sure it helped me as much as acupuncture did, but I'm pretty sure my headache is/was different.)

  20. Amy, so sorry. Will be praying for your migraine! Get some rest and take care!! ;) xo Heather

  21. Amy, I feel so bad for you! It is weird because I had the most vicious migraine for the last three days! With all the terrible vomiting side effects as well. I wanted to go to the hospital, but tried a medicine that my father found. It is over the counter, and you know how you will try anything. It is called Lipi Gesic M. It is a liquidy substance you hold under your tongue. I was skeptical, but after a few doses. It really helped! It was mostly gone. And I could eat and even drink, which I hadn't been able to do! I really want to tell you about this. No not selling or advertising it. Just that my dad really wanted me to try it, and it was wonderful! You should see if they have it there. I have a website from the box
    I hope you are feeling much better. I am just feeling quite normal today. This was a lot more convenient than a trip to the hospital, which I have done a few times before for migraines. And a lot less expensive. Just trying to be helpful!

  22. Hope you are feeling better now!


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