All Cut and Ready to Sew

April 21, 2010

Proof I did get something done on my to-do list yesterday. All the pieces for the two diaper bags are cut and have the interfacing ironed on. Can you hear them mocking me? Time for me to get busy and get them all sewn up!

The great tutorial for this bag is found at Sew Much Ado


  1. That is gorgeous fabric. Is it from vintage bedding? I can't wait to see the finished product.

    I was working on a baby quilt last night. I have several more to make for this summer. I hope I can make a girly one out of vintage sheets. Wouldn't that be fresh and nice?

  2. That's going to be a great bag!

  3. The fabric is decorator fabrics I bought on the clearance table at Hancock's. I loved the yellow with the pink roses. I have enough left over to make me a tote bag. :-D

  4. Amy....what gorgeous fabric! That reminds me so much of my sister, Cathy. I can't wait to see your finished project!


  5. Amy,
    Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. Using curtain rods and clippy rings are hubby's idea. I wanted to find a way to have a place for small seasonal banners, etc. When you open our front door you see, well, another door to a coat closet. He cut down a curtain rod so that I can change out quilts easily. I also use it as a photo stand! LOL!


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