Bags are done! Whew...

April 22, 2010

It feels great having these two bags all finished. They turned out really cute and much better than my first ones did a few months ago. I tried taking a picture of the pockets on the inside, but the pictures kept turning out all goofy, so I spared your eyesight and my pride by not posting them. I hope the recipients I made them for like them. I was told I could do whatever I wanted, so I did. =D

Garage sale season is in full swing. Look at the beauties I have added to my stash...The blue flowered pillowcase on the far left is my favorite. It's 100% cotton crispiness. I was thrilled to find 2 pillowcases and 2 top sheets of the fabric. 

I'm thinking I need to not be stingy and share the wealth, so to speak, one of these days. {smile}


  1. Lovely bags. Did you design them?

  2. Thank you, Sam...No, I didn't design them. I should have relinked to the Abby @ Sew Much Ado's site when updated my progress on the bags.

    You can find the pattern here:

  3. I love your pillowcases! Great Find!

  4. Hi, love your bags. The size is good too.


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