grief an update of sorts

April 14, 2010

Last January, I wrote a post on grief...I said:

In my own life, I am dealing with a potential loss that I am unable, as this time, to discuss openly. A few of my friends "with skin on" are aware of the grief that I am experiencing, and I am thankful that I am able to talk about it with them. It helps to not feel alone in this sadness. I am grateful for their compassion and love...

This post is sort of an update. Kind of hard to update when I still cannot go into any details. The "potential loss" has become a for sure loss. It's not a death, but it can feel like one, you know? And, it will be very soon. Maybe the loss will be for forever, maybe only for a season. I don't know, but I know Who does know...Christ knows.

A while back, I purchased a necklace from The Rusted Chain. Simple and perfect. I wear it every day. It reminds me that my hope is not in court systems, in judges, in social workers, in lawyers, in appeals, in motions, in any other type of legal mumbo-jumbo that I don't pretend to understand. God works through those means, to be sure, but the hope...


My hope lands squarely in Christ alone.

My simple request...Please pray. He knows. 


  1. I've been a bad blogging friend, Amy... but I will stand by and pray for you today!! God bless ;-)

  2. Precious Amy~

    Uplifting you in prayer, my friend! God knows what's in your heart and He hears your cries!


  3. Dear Amy-
    Oh to remember our hope
    through grief. I've been dealing with "live grief" recently. It is almost suffocating at times, but as you reminded, "our hope lands squarely in Christ alone."
    I'm praying for you today.

    "And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;
    and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
    Romans 5:3-5

  4. Hi Amy, I'm so sorry to read that you are facing a loss. I prayed for you as soon as I read the post, & I will continue to lift you & the circumstance up in prayer. In my life, I have been to the place in which Christ was my only hope, & He NEVER FAILS US. God is good, & so faithful to meet us where we are. I am praying that you have peace today Amy. Sending big hugs!

  5. so sorry for your sadness..praying today for you...

  6. I will be praying for you, dear friend!! May you rest in God's comfort during this time. May you rest in His arms and know that He cares for you with an everlasting love.

  7. Now these things remain: faith, HOPE, and love....the greatest of these is love.

    All other ground is "sinking sand".


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